Tim was born in Guelph, Ontario in 1977 and raised in Calgary. With undergraduate degrees in English and Psychology, he earned a Master of Divinity degree from the Vancouver School of Theology and was ordained by Alberta - Northwest Conference of the United Church of Canada in 2007. After serving Newton-Lumsden Pastoral Charge in Newfoundland and Labrador, he was called to St. Andrew's United Church in Mission in 2010. He now ministers to Gladwin Heights / St. Andrew's Pastoral Charge.
Tim enjoys thinking about what the Bible meant to its earliest audience and how it might speak anew to us in the twenty-first century. He recently enrolled part-time in the Master of Theology program at the Vancouver School of Theology.
Tim lives with his wife and daughter and a collection of cats in New Westminster. In his free time he enjoys soccer, fitness, board games, science fiction and fantasy.
Tuesday 8:30-4:30pm
Thursday 9-12pm